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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Point of View

Identify the Point of View in the novel, Skeleton Man.

Why did the author choose this point of view for the story? Do you think that this point of view is the most effective for the story? Why or why not?


  1. The point of view in skeleton man is 1st person . I think that this is a good point of view for the book an example of this is would a scary movie be scary if you did not see it but your friend did? Would it be scary if he was telling you about the scariest part or would it be even scarier if you saw it yourself? So would having 3rd person books with someone telling you what’s happening to the main character or would you rather experience it with him or her? The fact is it would be scarier if you actually experienced it yourself instead of someone describing the fear like in a 3rd person book. The 1st person point of view takes hold by making you feel like your actually there not just being told another story.

  2. I think the author used first person as a point of view because it is much easier for the reader to understand. For example, in this story, the reader can tell the mood. As the girl is saying how she feels in her “uncles” house, we can understand the story more. I think this is more effective because it would make the story boring if it was third person omniscient because the reader would know everything. If it was second person then it wouldn’t make sense because the book isn’t meant to tell you anything. If it was third person limited, it would make sense; but in my opinion first person would be easier to understand.

  3. I think the author chose the first person’s point of view because I think he would’ve thought that it would be more suspenseful coming from her. That’s why she was afraid to come downstairs, because of her “uncle” . Since it’s her point of view so if she’s scared the author is going to make you feel the same way. So every time the narrator is in trouble it makes the story even more suspenseful for the reader, because you can’t wait to know what comes next.

  4. The point of view the skeleton man is in is first person. I think the author chose this point of view to let the readers know what’s going on through the little girls mind as she looses her parents, and what she is feeling about her situation. The author wants us to know this because after her parents vanished she goes through changes and the author wants to inform us on this information.
    I think the point of view is most infective. First person helps me and probably most other readers understand what’s going on in the story better. I know the story is in first person because in the text it says “I reach for the curtain…”

  5. The point of view is first person because now the author can only tell you what the character knows which adds more mystery to an event, if your character doesn’t know what is happening then you don’t know what is happening. I think this works very well for this story because the girl is in a place that she feels is strange and she is confused which makes you feel the same like you are in her position. For example in the novel you go into her thoughts and she talks about hearing his foot steps in the hallway and she doesn’t know why he is their so neither do you he could be just going to bed or spying on her.

  6. This point of view is the best for the story because the girl is telling the story from a first preson view because she is telling a story that really happened to her. It is the most effective because it only tells you about her and keeps the reader wondering about the othe charecters, and that is what a mystery novle should be like.

  7. 1st because using the word I “It’s the 7th night I’ve been in this house”. I think the narrator choose this because he wanted us to know what she was thinking about living with her uncle.

    1st person and 3rd person because its telling us how she’s feeling and what position she’s in.

  8. I think the author choose this point of view so he could get to the audience better. I think that this point of view was not the better one I think that he could have done a third person instead. That way we get more of a description of what is going on. For example, at the beginning of the story when she was getting taken, they could have done it there, that way we get a better vision of what's going on.

  9. I think he wanted to leave the people reading anxious, and worried. Yes I think first person worked very well, because we get to know what’s going on in her head, and how she feels about her “uncle”. It would have been better if it was 3rd person omniscient, so we know everything about every character. I would have understood 3rd person better, because it tells everybody’s thoughts I would understand the story better if I knew what everyone was thinking, like what her “uncle” was thinking when he came to the house, or what he thinks of her or how she acts toward him. “Snick! That’s it. It’s the sound of the lock on the outside. Like every other night, he’s locked me in.” It would have been better if we knew what he was thinking when he locked that door, or why he did lock it.

  10. To me, the mood of chapter 4 is RELAXED. I think this because now the girl feels used to living with her Uncle and it is like a routine. She is back to school with her friends and her Uncle is still being weird. “… Just like every other day”, this quote proves that she is used to what happens everyday. She seems to have things going her way.

  11. I think the point of view is first person. It is first person because the girl Is talking. When it is first person it uses the word “I”. “I lift my stick to hit it”

  12. The point of view in the story is first person because he/she us the words “I” and “mine”. An example would be that “I sat up in bed and held my breath.” I think this because the definition for first person is the main character is telling the story and is using the words “I” and “mine”. Another example is “I’m not sure how to begin this story.” I think this because the main character is sometime the first person because the author is telling his/her personal story or a past experience that the want to write about and tell the whole world his/her story and have the main character narrator the story and put him/her in the story.

  13. The point of view is in first person because she is the one telling the story. I think the author chose this point of view because it wouldn’t make sense if it was in second or third because she is the one going through the experience of her parents missing. I think that the point of view is effective because she is telling the story of when her parents vanished. If someone else was to tell the story then it might get confusing because they might not know all the information.

  14. i think that it is
    the first person , and
    i know this because the
    first person is where they
    are saying " i & my " . The
    author uses the words " i and my "
    which i think is first person .
    an example is when the girl has
    said " i sat up in bed and held my
    breath " . another example is when
    the girl has said , " im not sure
    how to begin this story " . which
    means she is the first person and
    who is telling it .

  15. First person because its being told by that person.I think that first person is right for this story because the story is told by that person and it is more clear than somebody else telling it.I say this because if someone else was telling that person story it would make any sence because they didnt add all the details.

  16. The point of view is first person. Its best to be in first person because she needs to tell this story in her own words to get all the details. Its most effectively because it is scarier when she tells the story. It is better when you get the exact story and see how she feels as the story goes on. If someone else tells the story you wont feel the exact emotion that she feels when something creepy happens like when the stranger comes in to act like her uncle.
