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Friday, January 22, 2010


Your answer must be at least 4 sentences.

Mood – The feeling that the story evokes in the reader. How the story makes you feel.

Analyze chapter 9. Has the mood changed or stayed the same? Explain your answer. Support with an example from the text.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Your response must be at least 4 complete and insightful sentences!

Explain how the author uses foreshadowing to create suspense in Skeleton Man. Support your answer with an example of foreshadowing (from the novel.)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Mood – The feeling that the story evokes in the reader.

Describe the mood of chapter 4 in Skeleton Man. What words and/or phrases does the author use to create that mood? Explain how those words/and or phrases create that mood.

Point of View

Identify the Point of View in the novel, Skeleton Man.

Why did the author choose this point of view for the story? Do you think that this point of view is the most effective for the story? Why or why not?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Checkout these websites to help those in need!

We just finished reading the first chapter of Skeleton Man. The author hooked us into the story by using an interesting hook. This is an example of author’s craft. This author utilizes different strategies to intrigue the reader to continue reading.

Your task: Rewrite the beginning to Skeleton Man.

Your Introduction should be at least two paragraphs (4-5 sentences each paragraph!)

Remember: It's all about the HOOK!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Freak the Mighty Homework Due Thursday, Dec 10th

Your answers have to be very specific - Your answers demonstrate your comprehension of the movie and novel. All answers must be complete sentences. Your answers should be at least 3 complete sentences and each sentence must have insightful answers.

1. How has watching the film helped you understand the novel?

2. Do you think we should have watched the movie first before the novel? Why or why not.

3. Has your opinion changed on either Freak or Mighty? Why or why not.

4. Why do you think the title of the movie is different than the novel?

Friday, December 4, 2009

If you were given $200 to spend for Christmas, what would you do with that money? Why? Your response should be at least a well-developed paragraph.
If you could choose to be either Kevin or Max, who would you be? Why? Provide three specific examples from the text.
What similarities and differences do you notice so far in the movie compared to the novel? Your response should be in correct paragraph form as discussed in class.